Photography and graphic by Fran Chudnoff
Reina by Augusto Bitter
With music by Y Josephine
Co-produced with Buddies in Bad Times
as part of the Genrefuck Series
May 21-31, 2025 in the Buddies Chamber Space
Reina envisions the many lives of the anonymous woman depicted on a bag of Harina P.A.N. corn flour. A movement-centric hybrid between theatre, dance, and performance art that resists categorization, it invokes and celebrates personal femininity through a collection of poems, sculptures, and choreographies in conversation with music by Y Josephine.
We’re excited to be presented at Buddies as part of Genrefuck: Four movement-driven solo pieces. Four audacious artists. Intimate works converse and collide in a rolling run of double-bills. Julie Phan’s world premiere Never Walk Alone uses pole dance to navigate alienation, projection and inertia within different relational spheres. Gabriel Dharmoo’s Bijuriya code-switches between drag, song, and sound as it navigates its creator’s dual personas, while the Canadian premiere of Goner sees Marikiscrycrycry reimagine Black horror aesthetics for a live context through fearsome and sensuous choreography. This is art on the edge of gender and genre.
Creator-Performer - Augusto Bitter
Music and Composition - Y Josephine
Producer - Claren Grosz
Stage Manager - Taylor Zalik-Young
This project is made possible with funding from the Canada Council for the Arts, The Toronto Arts Council with funding from the City of Toronto, and the Ontario Arts Council.